We partner with courageous business leaders in conscious organisational development and navigating change and transformation

„We take you on the Journey“

   Our Why

We understand corporations today are operating within shifting environments that hold both high levels of uncertainty and unparalleled opportunity.

The increased complexity translates into higher stress on organisations, teams, and individuals.

Critical decisions around business visioning, planning, people engagement, resource management, operational systems and overall business performance are all affected, and every leader is being called upon to respond. In a period of rapid and unprecedented change, the way forward is rarely clear.

To succeed in the world today, every business needs conscious and courageous leaders, who understand that change and transformation are an intrinsic part of today’s leadership profile.

We assist business leaders and their teams to unlock their personal capacity to effectively navigate change and transformation ensuring purpose-driven, effective, and agile futures for their organisations.

   How we do it

We raise awareness, challenge status quo, offer different perspectives and context, provide tools, guidance, and support. In return, this opens minds to the possibility of choice, clarifies options and inspires a journey towards the envisioned future.

We do this by delivering human centred consulting, coaching, and training in the area of organisational consciousness.

   What we offer

Our team has the depth and calibre of experience, courage, passion, and commitment to support you, your team, and your organisation on your journey of conscious development, change and transformation.

„The objective of every Barefoot Leadership program is to support, guide and equip your organisation on its change and transformation journey.

We will walk it with you.“

Exploring change

We help you to see the fundamentals of your business from a unique perspective, bringing clarity to the complexity. Our tool The ORCA MatrixTM provides profound insights into your organisation’s development level. It brings deep understanding of where you are now, risks and opportunities, where to focus your effort, and how to begin your change and transformation process

Envisioning change

It requires courage and vulnerability to open to the possibility of bold choices.
Experiencing our unique and profound Vision Quest connects you with your personal vision for the organisation and unveils deep, inner motivations for change and growth. This is an essential step in any authentic, transformational journey.

Inspiring change

With Team Engagement Workshops, we support you in connecting your team with the purpose and values that form the foundation of your vision. This dynamic process enables key players to understand and personally engage with the vision at a deep level. It provides them with clarity, the necessary inspiration to adopt and uphold shared team values and empowers them to take inspired action in alignment with your purpose.

Igniting change

Courageous, inspired and highly engaged leaders are required to effectively communicate envisioned change and ignite the hearts and minds of your people. Our training and support in Conscious communication and People engagement ensures exactly that; Powerful, heart driven messaging to ignite people’s passion for the change to come.

Crafting change

Our program actively encourages commitment and accountability for the shared vision across both, individuals and working teams. Hands-on workshops bring teams together to craft their unique Change Journey Map – a tangible, specific and shared change and transformation plan. This not only assures clarity of roles, levels of engagement and expectations, but also enables the unlocking of previously unutilised potential.

Mastering change

Through leading edge, in-house Change Management training, we support you and your team in establishing exceptional organisational change capabilities to manage every stage of change with professionalism and consistency. Your newly acquired tools and skills will leave you confidently pro-active, self-reliant, and independent for any change initiative in the future.

Calibrating change

Every change journey comes with some bumps and challenges. Our ongoing Conscious Coaching will support you in dealing with these obstacles purposefully and effectively. With the Check and Go Meetings you will be able to adjust the Change Journey Map where necessary to remain flexible and agile, ensuring that commitment, perseverance, and personal accountability of all involved are optimally manifested.

Celebrating change

Change is cyclical in nature – It never stops. It is, however, important to acknowledge and celebrate your arrival at the planned destination and the successful achievement of your vision. Our facilitated Reflection Workshop is an opportunity to look back at what you have created, learned and most importantly, who you have become – As individuals, a team, and an organisation. This closure session opens new space for what’s next.

   Every change and transformation, whether personal or organisational, is unique.

Your Change Journey will reflect exactly that – it will be uniquely yours. The Conscious Change Coaches at Barefoot Leadership have created, crafted, practiced and refined our organisational change and transformation tools over the duration of their own top level corporate and elite sport leadership / coaching careers.

We will share them with you.

Working with us is very real, often raw and confronting in nature and always authentic in its objectives and outcomes.

For a consultation on how can we assist your business and yourself

Wherever you are on your change journey, we will meet you there.

   Who we are

We are here to make a difference – This is a lot more than just ‘work’ for us…”

We are assisting courageous business leaders... in creating purpose driven organisations…by connecting them with their own inspired vision…empowering them to lead the change…and partnering with them on their journey of transformation.

Karolina Maya

Karolina is an international expert in organisational change, people engagement and corporate transformation. Karolina has held senior HR, organisational development, operational and strategic leadership roles in both regional and multi-national corporations based in Europe, the US and the Asia-Pacific over a 30-year career with extensive experience in insurance, banking, manufacturing, engineering and consulting industries. Karolina holds a master’s degree in economics.

Indra Reinpuu

Indra is an educator, coach, author, and speaker who has been working in the fields of personal coaching, building cultures of success, team optimisation and raising consciousness for over 30 years. He pioneered the South Australian Personal Training industry and has coached elite sporting teams up to the Olympic level. In his unique work he utilises the transformational capacity of symbols, deep mindfulness, and power of communing with nature from his extensive experience as Shamanic practitioner. Indra holds a bachelor’s degree in education.